
Easy Digital Downloads Stripe Payment Gateway

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Easy Digital Downloads Stripe Payment Gateway
Adds a price entry for Stripe.com.
This add-on Stripe payment door permits thou in imitation of take delivery of credit playing cards immediately about you site thru you Stripe.com account. When purchasing downloads thru the Stripe gate with Easy Digital Downloads because of WordPress, customers join their credit score card details at some point of the checkout technique and not ever depart you site, ensuing within a higher experience because the user, and extra successful conversions because you.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Does this Stripe Payment Gateway guide the Recurring Payments extension?
Yes, that Stripe Payment Gateway consists of completed guide because the Recurring Payments extension, permitting you in conformity with originate yet technique routine subscriptions because customers.

Does that plugin help defended playing cards because quicker checkout?
Yes that does! Logged-in customers be able choose previously ancient playing cards at some stage in checkout therefore she do now not need according to re-enter their card important points each and every time.

Does that plugin help Stripe Checkout?
Yes such does! Since version 2.0, the Stripe Checkout form may remain chronic over the important checkout form yet in accordance with propagate Buy Now stability buttons because of somebody Download product. See the documentation for an instance then utilization instructions.

Which nations does Stripe support?
Stripe is reachable of many international locations then is constantly increasing after more. To confer salvo thine u . s . a . is supported, visit the Stripe Global page.

Does Stripe require that my web page have an SSL certificate?
Yes, an SSL certificates continually be back together with Stripe. All pages up to expectation include a price structure stay prefixed together with https://, now not http://. See Stripe’s SSL web page because greater information.

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