
Easy Digital Downloads Braintree

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Easy Digital Downloads Braintree
Accept savings card repayments of EDD the usage of thy Braintree merchant account.
This add-on Braintree charge entrance permits you in imitation of take delivery of credit playing cards without delay concerning you website online through thy Braintree Payments account. When purchasing downloads through the Braintree entrance together with Easy Digital Downloads for WordPress, users enter theirs credit score visiting card important points at some point of the checkout method and by no means leave your site, resulting among a better trip because the user, or greater successful conversions because of you.

Answers in accordance with Frequently Asked Questions
Does it Braintree Payment Gateway help the Recurring Payments extension?
No, not at this day however it choice stand delivered within the future.

Which international locations does Braintree support?
Braintree is on hand in deep nations or is continuously expanding in conformity with more. To parley postulate thy us of a is supported, go to the International portion on the FAQ.

Does Braintree require to that amount my web site bear an SSL certificate?
Yes, an SSL certificates need to usually remain used with Braintree. All pages to that amount encompass a payment structure remain prefixed with https://, no longer http://.

Does it gateway support PayPal repayments through Braintree?
No, it charge approach does now not help repayments through PayPal.

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